(650) 910-6776


acquire leads on autopilot

Automation services that allow you to focus on what matters... your business

What we do:

By creating customized automation for your company, we can lift some of the operational drag. This frees your efforts to be focused on the more important things in your business.

Missed Call -> Text Back

You're busy! We'll turn every missed call into a text message conversation

Easy Payments

Easy text 2 pay client invoicing. Simplify your client invoicing & get paid faster.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Grow your audience & know where

new leads are coming from


Connect Software Solutions has been an absolute game-changer for our small business. Their SaaS solutions have streamlined our operations, saving us valuable time and resources. The user-friendly interface and exceptional customer support have made our transition seamless.

Samantha Bennett

Thanks to their efficient solution, I was able to save precious time and secure appointments with clients I would have otherwise lost. Their expertise in streamlining the booking process not only boosted my productivity but also enhanced my professional image. I can't recommend Connect Software Solutions enough for their innovative and customer-centric approach.

David Anderson

"Missed call text back" has been an absolute game-changer for my barber shop! Ever since I've had this in place, I no longer lose potential clients to other business when I'm too busy to pick up the phone. Its like having an assistant wait by the phone for me 24/7.

Alex Ramirez

Book a Demo

Let us show you what we can do for your business. Book a free demo today!



Email: patrick@connect-software.solutions